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Scorul mediu al celorlalți candidați | |
Scorul tău |
He accepted the job just for ………….fun.
It is pleasant to read ………… good novel on ………………rainy day.
………………unemployed have been on ………………..strike for many days.
There is …………Mr. Smith waiting for you in …….office.
I had to wait …….him ……..four o’clock …….the night.
I like going jogging ……Saturdays. I always feel sleepy …….the morning ……..going jogging.
We drove ….. the party ……. Tom’s car.
Our apartment is _____ the third floor.
I ____ a few mistakes in the test. My teacher didn’t ……….a decision about my grade yet.
I swear I never wanted to ________ any harm to you.