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Why are you so absent-minded?
I’m a bit under …… weather today.
Look! There’s …… kite up there in the sky!
I went to the shop yesterday because I wanted to buy some new …… curtains.
Hello! Could you please give me some …… about the trains to London?
John has just bought a new pair of extravagant …… .
I think this is the …… dress I have seen in this store.
Your essay is much more imaginative …… your colleague’s.
Natty and Jane were so happy when they saw their cousin that …… of them started crying.
Ten times five is …… .
Let’s go out for a drink, …… we? Lovely!
Children …… be rude to their parents.
We …… in this apartment for six years and we are very happy here.
The match last evening …… at 8 o’clock and ended at 10.
Father …… the newspaper at the moment.
Find the adverb
My friend is named …… his grandfather Tom.
According …… the regulations of the institution, you are not allowed to smoke in the premises.
…… is going with you?
Janet will be so grateful if Michael …… her some money to buy a new TV.
…… your debt, I won’t give you my new camera.
Provided you …… here on time, everything will be prepared.
When mother opened the door, the baby …… .
He will be surprised when he …… Matt.
He asked John if he …… borrow the book.
She works in a school, …… ?
Choose the correct synonym for evident
Choose the correct antonym for deny
I feel awful. I’ve got a …… from all that wine I drank last night.
A man whose wife is dead is a …… .
He wants to get a better …… and earn more money.