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Scorul mediu al celorlalți candidați | |
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….. police ….. the suspect for three years.
______ the truth, he ______ it to everybody.
Nobody knows anything about the story, ….. ?
If you ….. a good manager, ….. of your employees …… .
Jamie always promises to call when he ….. home, but he never ….. it.
I was made ….. because I let him ….. this to me.
Before he ….. 60, he ….. bankrupt due to his addiction ….. gambling.
At the conference Professor Dwight ….. about ….. and went on ….. real facts about the impact of deforestation ….. wild animals habitat.
Bobby ….. home late yesterday evening and, as it ….. dark, he ….. that somebody ….. his window.
The History teacher tells us about Burebista and she goes on ….. on the blackboard about Decebal.
Brian and Georgia ….. in this house for a long time now and ….. it yet.
A significant part of the Romanian vocabulary is borrowed from Latin., said the teacher.
I ….. to enter the house for hours last night but the door ….. .
….. about their problems, we ….. them.
It was impossible for him to be running in the rain.
….. they were helped, they ….. running their business.
The animals entered the Noah’s Ark ….. .
She was ….. in a good family until her grandmother passed away so she had to ….. without her.
….. and ….. people ….. up gymnastics these days.
Confronted ….. the raging bear, they drew …… in terror.
Only ….. people noticed that there was ….. bread left in the fridge.
Sarah and I always agree ….. where to go ….. holidays.
Run ….. and die ….. !
Alegeți traducerea corectă: Ieri el a mărturisit că nimeni nu i-a spus nimic despre acest subiect.
….. English drink ….. tea with ….. milk.
I ….. sooner you ….. me the truth instead of ….. to me.
My neighbour hired a team of workers ….. his house ….. .
If only she …… that vase! It ….. a ….. from my mother.
Alegeți traducerea corectă: Dacă n-ar fi Mary, eu aş pica examenul.
Would you mind adding ….. sugar to my coffee?