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Nu pot să cred! E o glumă?
Indiferent de situație, te rugăm să reiei acest test cu și mai mare atenție, dar numai după ce ai reluat materialele din care ai dat acest test. Nu te grăbi, graba nu e mereu bună!
Nu e un scor rău, dar știi și tu că poți mult mai mult și mult mai bine!
Ca să ai siguranța că vei lua examenul, trebuie să ai cât mai multe teste luate cu peste 80% răspunsuri corecte. Încă nu ești acolo, dar sunt convins că, dacă vei munci mai mult și mai atent, vei reuși!
Ești pe drumul cel bun! Continuă studiul cu și mai mare sârguință și atenție și succesul va fi al tău!
Dar înainte de asta, te rugăm să treci încă o dată prin materie și apoi reia acest test.
Spor la învățat!
Munca ta serioasă de până acum a dat roade. Ai obținut un rezultat excelent! Felicitări!
Continuă pregătirea cu aceeași seriozitate și modestie, iar unul dintre locurile la instituția de învățământ MAI pentru care te pregătești va fi al tău!
Nu te culca pe o ureche, nu lăsa garda jos și trage cât de tare poți în continuare. Doar așa îți vei îndeplini visul!
The authorities are trying to ______ the scandal ______ the carpet.
You will never convince me of its importance! We’ll just have to ______ to disagree.
Scarcely ______ to each other ______ .
Unfortunately, the partner _______I was working has been ______ .
Halfway through the second half City scored their second goal, ______ their opponents ______ gave up.
This is the author ______ novel became a best-seller.
So well ______ that she won ______ .
Our neighbours, ______ were involved in the march, _______ .
As soon as he ______ from college, he ______ a great position in a law firm.
I was not fully satisfied ______ the doctor, as he ______ my previous illness.
He said I can finish my task tomorrow.
They visited London five years ago, he said.
There is no reason why you shouldn’t come to the party, ______?
The person ______I was speaking was no one else _____ my father.
We watched a ______ film last evening. It was the ______ experience of our ______ .
The news _____ important _____ everyone.
The sheets in the bedroom were made of ______ fabric ______ was black as night.
______ was Mary ______ round last night.
My ______ mother went to ______ hospital to visit Tom.
Oh, look at those big clouds! It ______ so I ______ the chairs in from the garden.
______ the explosion ______ what ______?
You ______ . Everything ______of.
He ______ to me and told me that he wanted to ______ rearranging the project.
Once I ______ sure that there ______ no reason _____ afraid, I went ahead as planned.
Diane ______ difficulty settling in.
Well, I guess she ______ to this kind of life.
Jeremy may well not _____ about the accident ______ .
Karen ______ the baby again, but she ______ as she ______ her very much.
They ______ the dictionary into the classroom during the test.
It was surprising that you ______ there at that time.
If only she ______ to her friends, she wouldn’t be so miserable now.