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Nu e un scor rău, dar știi și tu că poți mult mai mult și mult mai bine!
Ca să ai siguranța că vei lua examenul, trebuie să ai cât mai multe teste luate cu peste 80% răspunsuri corecte. Încă nu ești acolo, dar sunt convins că, dacă vei munci mai mult și mai atent, vei reuși!
Ești pe drumul cel bun! Continuă studiul cu și mai mare sârguință și atenție și succesul va fi al tău!
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Spor la învățat!
Munca ta serioasă de până acum a dat roade. Ai obținut un rezultat excelent! Felicitări!
Continuă pregătirea cu aceeași seriozitate și modestie, iar unul dintre locurile la instituția de învățământ MAI pentru care te pregătești va fi al tău!
Nu te culca pe o ureche, nu lăsa garda jos și trage cât de tare poți în continuare. Doar așa îți vei îndeplini visul!
His rude behaviour isn’t ……… in our school.
O masă mare, moştenită, pentru sufragerie, scumpă, în formă de pătrat
If you think you are getting ..… flu, ..… good advice is: stay in ….. bed and drink ..… fluids.
….. Teenagers often go through ..… phase of being fascinated by ….. supernatural.
The housekeeper ………. for us these days, although she usually ………. the rooms only.
You had better ………. yourself on that matter more so as ………. better results.
Had …….… his scholarship, Alan …….… his summer holidays abroad
The train ………. in time if it hadn’t been for the heat.
If she ………. a lie when she was asked, she ………. now.
Little ………. about the plot of that novel.
Many …….… who long for a trip to that mountainous region.
No sooner ………. their plan, …….… something terrible ………. .
They both love sports; that’s …….. they get on so well.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area ..…… many ships and aircraft have disappeared.
On the flight home, one of my ………. came open, and one of my ….……. is missing.
It was a ………. journey, which was less than she had anticipated.
You’d better not waste your time, ………. ?
Though everybody realized the danger, ..……..?
Bill announced that he would call on us after he …….… writing his essay.
Martha was telling us that her neighbours ………. all morning when all of a sudden a strange noise …….… .
They look as though they ….…. the secret of looking good.
In my village there is no gas laid on. People ………. electricity for everything.
She ………. leave the suitcase in the hotel room as it is safe there.
And in the middle of the woods ………. come across but this enormous lion.
Don’t ….…. your failures. Try to see them as learning experiences.
I hope this present has ………. the fact that I forgot your birthday.
Which word completes the following set of collocations?
– a …. minder
– …. abuse
– …. care facilities
– a .… prodigy
– behaving like a ….
Which word completes the following set of collocations?
– an instrument ….
– a …. of experts
– a control .…
– a wooden .…
I’m going to see Barry.
Jenny said …….…
The Physics teacher said that water …….. at 0 degrees Celsius.